The PsyPlex

Your Energy Sources, Motivation Approach, Thinking Style, and Decision Making Focus

Explore our in-depth descriptions of the Four Vectors on the PsyPlex to learn more about yourself, your team, or your loved ones.

The PsyPlex is a modern approach to categorizing personality.  It takes the work of Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs to a deeper level. Myers and Briggs created their personality typology to help people discover their own strengths and gain a better understanding of how people are different.

The A Deeper Way PsyPlex helps
individuals, families, and teams answer four questions about each person:

Orientation to Gain Energy


The Energy Vector helps answer the question of where an individual orients themselves to gain energy.  Individuals can possess both aspects of Internal and External Orientation.  Individuals high on both can alternate between gaining energy through being around others as well as gaining energy through solitude.  They will be equally comfortable engaging and entertaining others as they will be observing.


Internal Orientation

Internal Orientation is characterized by gaining energy through solitude, seeking to reduce stimulation, turning inward, and spending time observing others.

Solitudinous | Self-Consciousness | Attention to Detail | Modesty


External Orientation

External Orientation is characterized by gaining energy through being around others, seeking out groups, and having a tendency to engage and entertain others.

Gregariousness | Comfort with Authority | Humor | Hospitality

Thinking Style & Processing Information


The Thinking Vector helps answer the question of how an individual processes information, on both cognitive and emotional levels.  Individuals can possess both aspects of Conceptual and Concrete Thinking.  Individuals high on both will be as comfortable thinking about abstract, ambiguous, and ethereal ideas as they will be staying in the present, focusing on details, potential risks, and tangible plans.


Conceptual Thinking

Conceptual Thinking is characterized by a tendency toward broad, novel associations between ideas, making inferences, and seeking underlying patterns and future possibilities.

Accepts Ambiguity | Open to Learning | Self-Reflection | Imaginative


Concrete Thinking

Concrete Thinking is characterized by a tendency toward deductive thinking, avoiding making inferences, seeking concrete evidence, and attending to the present moment.

Apprehension | Values Certainty | Concrete | Seeks Routine

Decision Making Focus


The Decision Making Focus Vector helps answer the question of what a person focuses on when evaluating or deciding.  Individuals can possess both aspects of Outcome and People Focus.  Individuals high on both can work well in either data-driven or emotionally focused contexts, while individuals low on both may need some additional guidance on what is most important when making decisions.


People Focus

People Focus is characterized by a preference for considering others’ feelings and own sense of group agreement when making decisions and valuing connection and the greater good.

Values Connection | Diplomacy | Concern for Others | Emotional Intelligence


Outcome Focus

Outcome Focus is characterized by a preference for considering outcomes, facts, and data when making decisions and placing value on achieving and asserting.

Contemplation | Self-Confidence | Values Ambition | Assertiveness

Motivation & Drive


The Motivation & Drive Vector helps answer the question of how an individual is motivated to approach their life and work.  Individuals can possess both aspects of Enthusiasm and Expectation Drive.  Individuals high on both can work well in either flexible or structured contexts, while individuals low on both may need to personally connect with a project before finding the motivation to complete it.


Enthusiasm Drive

Enthusiasm Drive is characterized by a preference for flexibility, keeping options open, and inspiration-seeking behavior.

Trust | Seeks Change | Emotional Absorption | Impulsivity


Expectation Drive

Expectation Drive is characterized by a preference for planning, routines, motivation to meet expectations, and goal-driven behavior.

Keeps Focus | Achievement Drive | Dutifulness | Values Information